Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Update on life

"Don't look for the silver lining when gold is better."

Hey, guys. It's been a while, I know. I haven't had time to get online lately, and every time that I did get online, I was too busy catching up on things online (such as finishing moves on an online chess site before my turn expires and chatting with people I haven't chatted to in a long time) to post a post. (That sounds weird, by the way) Well, loads of things have been happening lately. Since it's too much of a bother to list them all, I'll just highlight certain things.

I had my first gig (as a drummer) on the third of this month, and the best thing was, I didn't mess up! Woo hoo! Man, it was a fun experience. I even managed to meet a few new friends, whose names are Prabu, Pooven and Iranus. In that order. Prabu was the second guitarist, Pooven is his brother and Iranus is both their cousin and the other drummer.

I did my band practice at my pet brother's house (I'm still not saying his name just in case reads it, even though I'm making it kinda obvious), you know, the one who's sister I like? To those wondering, no, he didn't give her the note. He said that it was "too dangerous". He stated the fact that she might show it to her parents, and since their mum knows that I like her, my cover would (might, at least) get blown. "Ka-ba-BOOM" blown.

To those curious, I managed to start a conversation with her. It wasn't that hard, but as I might have stated in an earlier post (I'm not sure whether I did or not) we are complete opposites. I'm loud, she's quiet. I'm more of an extrovert, she's more of an introvert. I smile a lot (to the point of too much), she rarely smiles (to the point where her mum even said that they should put it into a time capsule. "It", being her smile on a camcorder.)

I'm not sure whether this is relevant or not, but according to her brother (who is my friend and pet brother, as I say again) she's smiling and talking more since I left. I'm not sure whether it was my doing or not, but if it was, I was but one word to say to that: Cool!

Later in the month (the eight), my cousin (or my Mum's friend's son; I'm not really sure which) slept over. Earlier that day, I went to this career consultant person from the UK with my friend to get our careers... "Consulted". I ended up getting way different than from what I wanted (which were a pilot and/or accountant). It was a lot of medical careers, oddly. Later I realized that I did something I always did in chess: I over thought a couple of the questions. Man, was I pissed off when I realized that. It meant that I could have actually gotten either "accountant" and/or "pilot". At least there's a "re-meet" later on next year. (It's because as I'm maturing, I'll start thinking differently, therefore I may get different career choices)

My cousin (or friend. Like I said earlier, I'm not sure) and I played a game called "Spy VS Spy", where we basically just have to kill each other, get the four secret items, and get the Hell out of there, and he went and back stabbed me. The way he did it was smart, but I'm still angry about it. At least we teamed up again later on, and he didn't back stab me.

Remember the dudes Prabu, Pooven and Iranus that I was talking about earlier? Well, we (my cousin/friend and me) were invited to an open house at Prabu and Pooven's house. It was a Deepavali open house, and we played with the firecrackers. Later in the house, the guys started dancing the "Shuffle", if you've heard of it. Nabil (my cousin/friend) kept pushing me in.

Other than that, at my cousin's house, I learned a few new magic tricks. My cousin was good, but I could see right through them. Must be a gift of mine. (Okay, big head of mine. Time to swell down) He even gave me a couple of the sites where he learned the tricks. For those interested, the websites will be added in the end of this post.

Then, on Wednesday (the 14th) I won something on FLyFM! (It's a radio station, to those who don't live in Malaysia and/or have never heard of it) It was awesome! I won four movie tickets to a movie called... A movie called... Well, it has "Universe" in it, that's all I can remember. I even won a Timex (or is it "TimeX"?) watch. The best part? I only sent one SMS (SMS means texting, to those who don't know). Was I lucky or what?

The only drawback to that, however, is the fact that I can't collect the prize myself. I have to collect it 20th of November, and at that time I'll be in LA, off on holiday. I'll be leaving on the 18th. Don't worry, I'll post as soon as I get back. Or, as soon as I get on a computer. That's a promise. If I can, I'll even put in pictures of the trip.

That's enough for one post, I guess.

Till next time,

~Josh the Joshster~

P.S. The magic trick sites can be found in Google. Sorry, guys, but I promised my cousin about not telling anyone else about it, and that includes YOU.

Thursday, 1 November 2007

A rut in my life

"Keep on fighting. Never give up. But if you have to give up, do it with style."

I'm in the biggest rut of my life as of yet. Everything seems to be going bad for me lately. I'm still being my optimistic self, as always, but it's hard to smile when your entire world is breaking apart. Too many things (well, maybe not too many things, but it's still a lot to me) are going wrong.

My Mum and Dad are being unfair - something they rarely are - to me, and it's being more and more frequent. I like two girls (one for her stunningly sweet smile and one for her gorgeous eyes) yet I can't choose between them; Even if I could choose, it'd still be a bad thing: One is taken (the one with the gorgeous eyes) while the other is so completely different from me, I'm giving up before I've even started. One of my four best friends is moving to another country. I got a mere 86% (a first) for my Math. My drum tempo (timing) isn't exactly right. My pet sister hates me. And lastly, my other pet sister is ignoring me.

That's about it.

This is one of those rare "half-empty" posts in my blog. It's just that, I can't help it. To you, my problems may seem trivial, but to me, it's an incredibly big deal. It's too much stress for someone who normally can deflect stress. I... Just can't deflect it this time, for some reason.

Oh, there's also one more I forgot. When I saw her (the girl with the smile) I had a few chances to talk to her, but I blew it. Again! I've seriously thought of getting myself shot.


I'd never consider, much less do, suicide, but I can understand how people could think that there's no way out. It seriously feels like I'm living in my own personal Hell at the moment. Oh, just perfect. My PC is giving me trouble right now.

I'm in such a deep rut right now, even the things that make me smile and laugh don't work as well as they normally do. At least there's still Ben and Luqman. They are the only people I know that can make me laugh uncontrollably for hours on end.

Oh, wow! Something great just happened! My pet sis doesn't hate me anymore! Oh, yeah! I guess this is what happens when you're optimistic even when you're in the deepest rut of your life: Things start looking up. Oops, I've gotta go now. I'll make another post ASAP!

Till next time...

~Josh the Joshster~

Sunday, 28 October 2007

TLBT song lyrics 1

"The only friends you can count on are the friends that you can call at anytime, and they won't even be a bit angry. Even when they're sleeping."

As promised, here are the song lyrics to "Bestest Friends". More will come, but be patient. But, hey, it's my blog, and it is me that we're talking about. You might have to be really really really really patient.

Bestest Friends

(As it was sung to Littlefoot)

Petrie (P): Sometimes friends have to leave; it's very sad, but true. But this me do believe: Friends still a part of you.

Ducky (D): And if you go away... And live some other place... I will think of you each day, and see your smiley face.

P, D & Cera (C): And we... Will always be your friends.

C: No matter where you are.

P, D & C: Just around the bend... Or very, very far...

C: Wherever you may go, when you reach your journey's end!

P, D & C: No matter what... We'll always be... Your friends... We... Will always be your friends. Although we're far apart.

C: I'll see you in my dreams.

D: And feel you in my heart.

P, D & C: And we won't be surprised... If we meet again... And when we do... We'll always be... Your friends. Your very bestest truest... Friends...

Another post? Already?

"What's the point of alone time if you can't share it with anyone else?"

It's finally Sunday, and oh what a great day it is! I feel so relieved. A weight has been lifted off of my shoulder. Or is it my chest? Then again, who cares? It's not like my English teacher (teachers, actually) are going to read this blog.

Is it?

(Just in case) To Miss(es) Nina, Mahanun and Nurul Huda... Sorry about all of my grammatical and spelling errors! They were all done accidentally on purpose. It won't happen again! Okay, so it will happen again. But please don't scold me! Technically, (actually, it's literally as well) this isn't school work, so you can't scold me. *Breathes deeply*

Now that that short dilemma is over and dealt with, I guess I can tell you what happened over the weekend. Before I forget, I just realized that I forgot to add in my last post a little something that happened on Friday. I went and invited her to my party!

She replied on Sunday, and it was a no. She told it through her mom (I invited bother her and her brother via her mom) and her mom told both me and her son. The way she typed it and the way he said it, it sounded like someone died! Well, he slept ("he" is Emillio, by the way) over at my house on Saturday for some band practice. We weren't great (nor were we good, actually) but at least we were improving. The song that we're covering is "That Thing You Do" by the Wonders.

On Saturday, aside from our band practice, we went to a few open houses. We also created this "Radio Station" (from the back of the car) called "Kids FM. Made by kids, for kids!" Our main motto (mine, anyway) was "We're here to give you annoying pleasure". Or something to that effect.

Since Emil slept over, we ended up sleeping late. Very very late. Miraculously, we somehow woke up early. But I still missed my classmate's open house because of transport problems. But they managed to come to the party at my house, though. When they got here, you wouldn't believe what happened. They wanted a tour of my house three times.


Once is already bad enough, but... Three!? Well, I ended up giving it to them. After that, we watched a movie called "Kung Pow" (search for it yourself. I ain't gonna explain it here). Out of the 40+ people I invited, only 20+ came. I'm not sure whether to feel insulted (because practically half didn't come) or relieved (because it's easier to control the crowd). Well, at the end of the party (it ended 6 hours early for most of the guests) most of them (if it wasn't all) thanked me for inviting them and hosting a "great" party. Yeah, watching a movie, eating and messing around is a great party. I sure to God don't want to go to a bad one.

I did manage to finish writing that poem and even added a short note in it to give to my pet brother's sister. He was at the party, so before he left I gave him the note with the poem in it to give to his sister. I still feel some kind of... "Disappointing" feeling in me. Maybe it had something to do with her not coming to the party.


Oh, I also got to re-new my love for The Land Before Time series. God, it's been so long. I wonder how many episodes there are now? I still miss watching them, and I'll never (never ever) stop singing along with the characters (Littlefoot, Petrie, Cera, Ducky and Spike) when they sing. I still am particularly touched by their songs "Bestest Friends" and "Always There". Those have to be the most touching ever. I'll even post the lyrics in this post (that just sounds odd) so that you'll have a rough idea about how nice and touching they are. They are sang very slowly, and the music itself could make you cry. Believe me, I almost did. And I rarely cry, or even feel like crying, so... Yeah.

The song lyrics will be in the next post. Promise.

Till next time...

~Josh the Joshster~

Friday, 26 October 2007

Mixed Emotions

"Four lettered words are bad. Does that mean love is, as well?"

Exams are finally over. It's great, this feeling of freedom. You should feel it sometime, when you're free. Oh, let me update you on this past week. It's been both cool and crazy. The two C's. It's both cool... And crazy. If you haven't noticed, I already said that.

Well, on Monday, my pet brother found out that I liked his sister. Apparently, he's very supporting. Plus, he thinks that I'll make a great brother and son-in-law. At that point I wasn't sure whether to clobber him, or thank him. I'm still deciding, by the way. It wasn't only him,but my classmates Aizat and Ben found out. Of course, I told them, but first they promised not to tease me in any way, at all. So far, they haven't failed yet.

On Tuesday, I ended up telling my other classmate, Iqmal about it. I also told my best buddy Shane about it. They, too, were told not to tease me. Later, I found out, that she read this blog, and that she knows that I like her daughter. According to him, she seems to like it. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad one. Later, at night, right before I went to sleep I wrote her the poem I've been trying to write. I'll re-write it here later, if my readers (meaning, you, of course) wants to read it.

Wednesday, the second day of the exams. On this day, my friend (and classmate) Iqmal found out. Other than that, nothing interesting happened. Except a trash can blew up from a fire cracker. Fun to play, but deadly. My kind of toy.

Thursday, the final day of exams. This was the best day (well, maybe not best, but close enough) of the entire month! (Hah! You were expecting "life", weren't you?) I was too busy thinking of my party on Sunday to concentrate properly. Oh, well. At least I'll have a reason.

Here we are. Friday. I was forced to come (obviously!) but at least we weren't forced to... *shudder* learn anything. Me and the guys ended up playing chess all day. Man, it was gooood. But, in the end, I ended up not being allowed to play, as they said that I was quote, "too good". Unquote. At the end of the day, we had to do a drama on The Phantom Of The Opera. I got the best job! The camera man. I just have to record the entire thing. Great, eh? Only, one problem. The camera had problems with it. Luckily, the entire thing was postponed until Monday. Enough time to get it fixed and ready.

I hope.

Oh, and here's the poem I promised you:

"The next few lines they come from the heart,
Even though they might sound abstract and worlds apart.
You may not like this poem I made,
But let me tell you I mean what is said.

When I first saw you I thought you might be nice,
Cute and kind, and even quite wise.
It seemed to me like you'd never grin,
But when I saw that smile it was the sweetest I'd seen.

I think I saw stars, it was that sweet.
If smiles could be knock-outs then yours would do the trick.
Although I barely know you, yes, it's true;
I don't think I can stop thinking of you.

I don't think I've ever felt love before,
So if this is how it feels then I'd gladly have more.
I really like (maybe even love) you,
And I just hope that maybe someday you'll like me too."

That was the poem, more or less. I know, I know. It's kinda lame. Hey, I've been out of practice for a while now! Cut me some slack.

Till next time...

~Josh the Joshster~

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Argh! Help!!

"Boredom is that boring feeling of feeling bored"

Aahhh!!!! Of all things to happen to me, why this?! Why?! Now, I'd explain further, this being my blog and all, but I'm kinda afraid one of my pet bro's would read this post.

Ahh, stuff it. I'm gonna explain anyway.

Alright, here goes. Last night, or, the 20th of October, was the night I went to my pet bro's house for Aidilfitri (that's Eid to those who don't know). I don't think I'll forget that night. Heck, I even went and saved the date on my calendar. Yes, I know it's lame. No need to spam the comment place with messages like that. Well, I'd also write down the time of this "incident", but as I said earlier, I'm afraid my pet bro will read this post and put two and two together. And never let me live it down.

Enough stalling. The thing is, while I was at his house, I went and fell for his sister. That's one of the worst things that could happen to a person! Liking a close friend's sibling! Imagine that happening to you. Unless your friend actually match made the two of you, it's most likely that you'll cringe at the thought. Or maybe it's just me.

Yeah, it's probably just me.

To be honest, when I first met her, it was just normal, like "Oh, my pet bro's sis. She's cute, but not that cute." and etc. etc. So while we (me, my sisters, my brother, him and his sister) were watching TV, I noticed that she didn't smile much. I thought she was in some kinda bad mood, and being the person I am (I do this regularly, believe it or not) I went and asked my pet bro if she was in some kind of bad mood. He just replied with "Oh, she's always like that.".

But if she's always like that, then why did she keep putting her hand on her head like she had a headache? Or was in a bad mood?

I don't think I'll ever understand him.

Anyways, I didn't really notice her... Until I saw her smile. And to be honest, I think I was knocked out. I don't think I've ever seen a smile like that. Seriously. From what I saw of her, she rarely smiles, but when she does... Wow!

Or, maybe it's just me.

But it's very very very very awkward for me. I mean, I'm liking my pet brother's sister! It's really really weird!

There's a few things that I do know about her, but it's kinda little. Not to mention useless. Actually, it's only one thing. I only know her birthday. Is that pathetic, or what?

My birthday is 16th of February and she's 47 days older. You do the math.

Well, I gotta jet now. I really hope I can fix this little crisis of mine. Till next time... (Hopefully soon)

~Josh the Joshster~

P.S. On a side note, my exams are just tomorrow, so I guess you won't be hearing from me soon. Not that you usually hear from me, but at least now I have an excuse. Wish me luck!

Saturday, 29 September 2007

Let's see what I have in my head...

"Original ideas are rarely original."

I just realized this. No, not that phrase up there.

But I just realized that so far, all of the phrases are all mine. All of them. It's kinda, oh, I dunno... Weird? I mean, I rarely get that many phrases. I'm better than I thought. Wow.

Okay, I have better stop the short paragraphs.

Anyways... I really don't have much to say right now. Except for, maybe, I guess I kinda had a small fight with Azeldeen's (refer to earlier post) crush. I'm not sure whether this is a good thing or not. My mind is currently leaning towards "bad", though. I recently watched Saw II. I just have to say this: Jigsaw is a genius. To all Jigsaw and Saw haters: Sorry, but that's what I think. He really is a genius. I wanna be like him. Except for the, you know, ... The torturing part.

I've also been paying more attention to life now. Appreciate it more, since watching it. Who knew watching a movie could change your life? Well, I don't really have much to blog today (unlike more interesting people), so I guess I'll end it here right now.

Till next time...

~Josh the Joshster~

Thursday, 20 September 2007

I'm baaaaaaack!!

"Do you rejoice because I'm here or because I leave?"

As you can see, I'm back at last. Sorry for my lack of posts (not that anyone actually reads my blog), but I have my reasons! Mainly, it was because I didn't have the time to blog (in my language, that means "I just couldn't be bothered to"). When I did have time, my memory did the worst thing it could do to me. It made me forget my Blogger password. Then it wouldn't let me reset my password.

If you're wondering how I'm blogging right now, the reason is simple: Blogger finally let me reset my password (I'm still not sure if this is a good thing). Now, an update of what I've been up to since being at my cousin's house. Or, you could say, the past 20 days.

First of, I'm going to bore you with my tales of doing homework! (Hah!) Basicly, that's what we (as in, a few of my classmates and I) did this past 20 days. Just... Did homework. Only now do I realize how pathetic we are. *Sigh* Figures. Only by posting something pathetic publicly on a blog do we realize how pathetic we are. Anyways, that wasn't all I did. I also got over the girl I liked. My friends all thought I was just joking and/or that I liked someone else. They're immature, no need to tell me. I already know that. That's why I hang around with them.

After falling out of like (I'm still not gonna call it "love", no matter what you say), I started helping my neighbour out with his love life. He likes this cute girl, and it seems like she likes him back. Now to fill in space (as well as to bore you to death), I decided to put in why we think she likes him back. Let's see... Whenever he looks at her and she catches him doing that (all I can say to that is, "BUSTED!!!"), she smiles at him. She keeps glancing at him, and when he catches her doing that she looks away quickly in an embarrassed sort of way. Suspicious, won't you agree? Now, if I can, I'm going to put in a picture (edited by my Pet Sis ReySha) of them together. The word(s) on the specified edited picture were for fun (and still are, actually).

This is the picture:

This is the link, anyhow.

Apparently I can't put the picture here. Which shows how bad I am with computers. Okay, to save you time from going to the link, I'm going to ask around on how to post a picture on Blogger...

(Once again), This is the picture:

It took over 2 hours to find out how to do it, but I've done it. My neighbour (the guy on the left) with his crush (the girl on the right). Look at how cute they look together! *In awe at their cuteness*

That just sounds... Wrong.

Other than that, I recently got an iPod thingy from my dad (yay?). It's blue, rectangle and, well... blue. Just the way I like it.

My best friend Ming Yi just recently told me about her blog page, which I'll put in my links. As soon as I re-get it. I bookmarked the page, but then FireFox had to go and update. All of my bookmarks disappeared. All of them.


Well, Azeldeen (or, as you know him, my neighbour) just asked her out, and we're both kinda hyperventilating over it. Don't ask why I am. It's too complicated.

Till next time,

~Josh the Joshster~

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Politicians, Malaysian Independence Day and Cheap Flattery

Politicians (I only wrote like this because there are three topics)

"A politic only needs to be two things - boring and a hypocrite."

Just to make it up to you all for not having posting a post in a while, I decided to talk about three things today. I'll start with politics and politicians themselves.

Just take one look at a politician, and you will always find these two things: The most boring possible way to tell a speech and the hypocrisy of Bush (Bush's hypocrisy is in the extremes, but you know what I'm saying. Don't you?). With the exceptions of few politicians like USA's old Ronald Reagan (an actor before president), all of the others have the two qualities, at least.

Now, I'm not saying that I hate politics. Well, actually, I am. But you have to look at the fact that during my current time, all the politicians are huge hypocrites. It's like a smoker telling you not to smoke. While he's smoking!

You also have to think about the fact that the way they talk in their speeches. If you haven't heard one of them yet, I believe you. Most probably you were asleep when it was being said.

Governments keep changing the rules just to make things easier for themselves. Like in Malaysia, as an example, I remember reading in the newspaper about an article that the Perdana Menteri (That's "prime minister" to non-Malaysians) himself was interviewed! I definitely remember him saying that you have to "write more blogs" and other stuff like that.

But now, recently, he just said that you should write less blogs! All because people (like myself) are writing about the governbment. Having said that, I just realized my mistake.


That's about all I can say about the goverment (without talking badly/rudely about our Perdana Menteri) right now. On to the next topic!

Malaysian Independence Day

"In Malaysia, you can get arrested for making fun of an Independence Day song but they turn a blind eye if you bounce a check"

As you can tell, I'm not one you can talk about politics with.

If you can't, well, good luck with life then.

In this topic, it's about Malaysian's so called "Independence Day". How can it be "Independence Day" if all we did for it was just ask? It makes no sense at all!

No matter what the teachers or so called historians say, Malaysia did NOT fight for independence!!!!!!!! I really can't stress this enough.

Our government is totally messed up. Seriously. If you don't believe me, then let me enlighten you with a few points of mine:

a) The native language (Bahasa Melayu) keeps being changed every now and then for no reason.
b) The Prime Minister keeps changing the rules.
c) You can't make fun of an "Independence Day" song, but you can bounce a check.
d) You're more likely to get a higher sentence for insulting the Prime Minister than for killing someone.
e) At least half the teachers don't know half of what they're teaching us.
f) For Arts and Craft, there's nothing to do with art except in paper form (i.e. you have to study for it. Little painting, if at all)
g) There's no freedom of speech. Or blog.

Around 7 strong points that I know of that makes our government lousy. Look at it, and tell me that it's not lousy and really mean it. Come on, do it! See? You can't.

I'm going to leave you to ponder about this, as I'm kinda worried that I'll be arrested just for writing about this. On that note, on to the last topic!

Cheap Flattery

"Yes, flattery is nice and all, but what's the use if it's insincere?"

Finally. The topic least likely for me to get in trouble with. Hopefully.

As I noticed while I was browsing through MySpace, most, if not all, pictures that were commented almost always had stuff like "Oh, so cute" "Nice picture" or "Wow, you're so pretty!". Flattery like that.

What's the point of giving flattery? They're cheap and fake. Liars love giving them. Is it so hard to tell the truth to comment a picture? Is it?

Do people actually believe those so called "compliments" (compliments are sincere. Flattery isn't.) that they receive? Think about it. How can you believe it if obviously the picture sucks, you look horrible in it or the picture is downright creepy (intentional or not) and then someone says something like, "Wow, you're cute". How credible is that? Not even a bit credible, if you ask me.

Well, as interesting as this topic is, I'm getting sleepy, with it being 3:16AM, so good night, all. Thanks for reading my blog.

~Josh the Joshster~

P.S. I'm sleeping over at my cousin's house during this weekend, so sorry to my few readers about my lack of posts.

Monday, 27 August 2007

Another day, another mishap

"This is the kind of day where you can't find a bright side that beats the dark side."

I can relate to that phrase up there.


Aside from getting 96% for Maths, 86% in Science and 86% is Islamic Studies, I'm realizing that today is the worst day of my life as of yet. And to be frank, it's not even something that'll sound even remotely sane to you. Some hacker went and changed a password on my RuneScape account, and that's the real reason why I'm feeling like this. Normally I wouldn't be this depressed, and I can hear you asking, "Why are you this depressed, then? It's just a game, for God's sake!". Or something to that effect.

The reason is, I'm sentimental. Humor me for a moment and I'll explain. RuneScape was the first ever online game I played. It was the first online account where my username was "JoshCarter4". It was the first time I put my password as "Obscure" (just as a side-note, none my my passwords are "Obscure" anymore. Tough). Hell, it was also the first cause on how I made a best friend online. My first best friend online, no less. Then, I couldn't resend for my password. Stupid hacker must have went and changed my E-mail somehow (which I'm still wondering how. Far as I know, you can't change your E-mail on RuneScape).

Plus it "helps" that in it my level is quite high.

Not only that, but I realized that my Blog's name was wrong and when I tried to change my URL, I had to do it a few times. Yep, it's just not my day today.

Sorry for this bout of complainin'. I'm not usually a complaining sorta guy, but this kind of thing is painful for me. It's like losing your first pet. Or losing your first game set. Know what I mean? Painful.

I don't think I can write anymore, as it's 1:19AM and my Mom is telling me to sleep (well, she was). Till next time (hopefully tomorrow), this was Josh.

~Josh the Joshster~

P.S. I'll try make the nest post uplifting for you guys, but it depends on my mood, really. Thanks again for reading!

P.S.S. Forgot to add. As you can see, my Blog is no longer called "Unorganized Perfection" but "Flawed Perfection". The new URL is "". Till next time!

Sunday, 26 August 2007

Holidays are over. Darn it

"I've been told that holidays are only breaks until school or work starts again. Well, screw that. Holidays are for having one thing and one thing only: fun!"

Not that I've been having much lately. Fun, I mean. At least today happened to be the best day of my current holiday. I got to finish watching the second season of Supernatural! Whoo. I also managed to find a few new and interesting anime online (new and interesting to me, anyways), went up a few levels on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories and played a few games of chess online. Aah, life is good. Well, nothing else to say about the end of the school holidays, except perhaps:

"School sucks, down with school!".

Just pretend I didn't write that. *Shifty eyes*

Right. That's all I have to say. My Mom is kinda nagging me to go to sleep now. Even if it's 12:26 AM and there's school tomorrow, I still can't see why I have to sleep now.

So until next week (or whenever I get online), there won't be any new posts. Sorry for the inconvenience.

~Josh the Joshster~

Saturday, 25 August 2007

Messed up big time and lived to tell the tale

"Some mistakes are too fun to do them only once- This ain't one of them."

This is going to be a really short post, so you won't be wasting too much of your time. I was just on the computer, minding my own business, when I heard fireworks outside. Naturally, I get curious and tried to see the fireworks from inside the house. Since I couldn't see anything with the window closed, I made the big mistake of opening the window. If I was in a zombie horror movie, I'd probably be one of the first guys to die.

Wait, why am I going off topic?

Going back to my messing up. I opened the window to see what the fireworks and then suddenly *BANG!* (and don't say that zombies came, because if you did, that's proof you're a slow learner because you think that zombies are real. Pfft)

The house alarm went off. It was loud, noisy and I think I lost one of my life's worth. Frantically I closed the window and went back to the computer, acting as all was alright. My dad came in and looked at the window. (The alarm system in my house sends a message to my Dad's cell phone where the alarm was set off.) I looked at my Dad before he could reach the window and ask in an all innocent voice, "Why did the alarms go off?"

My Dad just looked at me and left. But you could tell from his eyes that he was very suspicious. Hopefully this thing doesn't get found out, and wish me luck on that I won't be grounded for a year - if I'm lucky.

~Josh the Joshster~

(Yes, I'm doing that from now on. Actually, I did from the last post, if you were observant. If you don't like it, give me an E-mail and if majority wins I'll stop it. But I won't edit them out. To those who want to tell me off, call me names, get me as a friend or even if they want to get annoyed by someone (me), my E-mail is

Holidays are over! At least, almost over.

"Every single minute passed that wasn't fulfilling is a minute wasted."

Yeah... Right. If you're wondering why there's that saying thing up there, it's because every time I'm writing a blog there's going to be a saying up there either by me or by someone else. Just for kicks.

Okay, on to the blog.

As you can read the title of this post, the holidays are almost over. It's kinda depressing, as I barely did anything other that eat, sleep, play the PS2, play the PC and watch TV. This has to be the least productive holiday (or week) of my life. Or, as Homer Simpson likes saying, "This has to be the least productive holiday of your life so far". Lol, right. At least I got to watch many shows that I like. Such as Kim Possible Season 4 (Don't you dare call me a sissy!), Inside Man, and Dead Silence just to name a few. Anyways, school is starting soon, and we'll be getting our exam papers. Hopefully. This is as far as I'll write today, so keep checking my blog for more posts! =b

Just as a note to you all in case you're wondering when I'll be posting another post on this blog, I'll try to post every month ( assuming that I'm allowed to be on the computer). Hope you all understand. This is what happens when a blogger is lazy.

~Josh the Joshster~

Thursday, 23 August 2007

About me

Right. About me. I'm not really a "descriptive" kind of guy, so don't expect much from here. Hmm, let's see now.

I joined BlogSpot at approximately 4:56 AM on Friday, 24th August 2007.

I was born on the 16th of February 1993 (now that you know, don't forget!).

I have multiple hobbies and job dreams.

I'm a music junkie and movie buff.

Don't ever lend me a book, 'cause I might like it so much you'll end up never seeing it again.

Mai speling ish teribel. Vary teribel.

I hate stereotypes, but not stereotypical people.

I'm easy going and fun (at times).

I like playing games. 'Nuff said.

Philosophy is my middle name. That was a figure of speech. It's not really my middle name.

As you might have noticed, I'm full of irony and sarcasm.

My attention span is too short for my liking, but when I'm bored or actually interested in something it gets so high you have to force me to stop doing whatever I'm doing.

Alright, that's enough about me. I can't think of anything anymore, except that I live in Malaysia, but that's not really relevant, is it? Well, I'm posting this and *hopefully* someone will read it.

This was Josh, over and out.

P.S. Josh is my nickname, just in case you're wondering.
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Why "Flawed Perfection"?

I chose "Flawed Perfection" because nice ones such as "Honest Lies" and "Organized Chaos" were already chosen. In fact, Flawed Perfection was already chosen as well, but among all my ideas, this one was my favourite.

I like the reminder that everything is flawed perfectly.

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