Sunday 18 January 2009

A minute of speech after decades of silence

"Whenever something leaves, it's not necessarily a bad thing. It works both ways. Even when you get something new, it might not be something good or worthwhile."

WARNING: Possible extra long post alert! You have been warned!

I know that I haven't been blogging in a long time (has it been 3 or 4 months?) but I'm not really at blame. Honest! Okay, so I am, but it's only because I get writer's block halfway through my blogging. So basically, I'm "always blogging, but never posting". I have a ton of drafts still in my blog that I'll probably delete. I'm even probably not going to copy and paste (even though I am so tempted to) since it'll make everyone but me confused.

Since my memory isn't really that good, I'm gonna talk about everything that I can remember. Starting with December.

My family and I went to Singapore the first few days. We mostly did shopping, but since I'm used to shopping a lot with my family (my Dad just loves shopping for some reason) so it was quite enjoyable. At the very least bearable. Haha. You know, I've traveled so much with my parents that I'm already at the stage where it's getting boring to sight-see. I'm not bragging or anything, if you're taking it the wrong way. I'm just thinking aloud that if you do something a lot, even if it's time-consuming and/or expensive, it'll become boring. (Honestly, just the mere mention of going to Jakarta and I could get bored to sleep - yeah, that doesn't make sense, but meh)

Since my sisters and brother (especially my brother) hasn't been to Singapore as much as I have, they wanted to go to the petting zoo there. My Dad's employee's family brought them there while I just went with my Mum and Dad to go shopping. ... God, I just realized how girly that makes me seem. Then again, it could make it seem like I'm too mature to go to a petting zoo... I'll let you all decide.

While I was at the mall with my parents (we kept going to different malls) my siblings and their three new friends (my Dad's employee's children - from oldest to youngest, Tajers, Tyrone and Tia) went to the petting zoo, followed by a movie (it was Bolt) and some other stuff that I don't really remember. The good thing was, they had a good time. That's all that's important, right?

That was on the 1st until the 4th of December. Let's skip ahead to the 30th of December. This was when I finally got my PMR results. To those that don't know, PMR is a big exam that's for 15 year olds. It's equivalent to O-levels in the UK, if I'm not mistaken. It was quite late that year, since they usually announce it just before or just after Christmas.

I know you're all probably wondering what my results were, right? Sorry to burst your bubble, but I didn't do that well. Out of 8 subjects, I got 7 A's and 1 B. Stupid Geography. I dunno why I got a B for that. During the trials and mock exams before the actual PMR examinations, I managed to get an A for Geography. Hmm. I guess it just wasn't my luck. Oh well. There's always SPM! (That's for 17 year olds, approximately equivalent to A-levels in the UK)

Speaking of SPM, I think I must be barking mad. I'm taking up twelve subjects for it. (Yes, we can choose our subjects, except for 5 mandatory subjects which are English, Malay, Maths, History and Religious Studies for Muslims/Moral Studies for non-Muslims) So along with the 5 mandatory subjects, I'm taking up *Physics, Biology, *Chemistry, *Additional Mathematics, EST (English in Science & Technical), Accounts and French. Yes, I'm taking up French. So far, it's not that hard. Then again, I haven't been doing that many classes, but still. The mademoiselle is nice, my classmates are fun, and the feeling of reading a different language and understanding it is awesome!

*These subjects cannot be dropped, since I'm in a Science class - The classes are "streamed" into Arts, Literature, Technical and Science.

My new classmates are great, and I'm in the same class as some of my old classmates, and that was cool. I got to sit next to Benjamin (although I don't think he likes that very much) which had the added benefit that it was in front of the class. Of course, as luck would have it, for Physics class I ended up sitting at the table that was full of girls. To those that remember, last year for Science, everytime we went to the lab, I was the only guy at the table. It's happened again this year. Except it's not only Physics, but Chemistry as well.

Shoot, I just realized that I forgot to finish some homework! *Sighs* Oh, well. I'll just sleep at 2 AM today, finishing it. Sleeping and waking up is not a problem for me this year, for some reason. Although I do admit I that there's one thing that's a problem with early wakings. I end up lying down on my bed and not getting up, even though I'm awake. I'm kinda not the type to bathe early, so that's a problem. Hopefully it'll be cured eventually.

Drama auditions were held a few days ago, but it was held much differently compared to last year. Last year, seniors were the ones that chose the future people. I was psyched to do that, since I was a Drama Club senior (having joined it last year) but it ended up with this new teacher commenting (to himself) about the students, and choosing the new students with a couple of other students. And to add up some more problems, we (the seniors from last year) had to re-audition. *Sigh*

There's one final question that I just know at least one person is going to ask me. Obviously it's about my love life. Yes, I do like someone. Well, at the very least, I think I like this person. I don't know her very well, but we just... "Connected", so to say. The best way to explain this is by saying that I finally understand what it's like the books mean when they say something like, "I just met you, but I feel like I've known you my whole life." That's the best example I can give.

To my friends that are going to/did tease me about this, I have to say one thing this: It is not love! It's not! Just 'cause the "evidence" points to it being that, I still say it's not! (I will won't explain, just not not even here. I don't want to give her any hints at all by anyone that I may have feelings for her. That's why the only people I've told so far are those that will never meet her. If they do, then it's just extremely bad luck.

Hey, it wasn't as long as I thought it'd be. Sorry, Razleen, but it just didn't become a big big post like you wanted. I tried, though. Maybe next time.


~Josh the Joshster~
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Why "Flawed Perfection"?

I chose "Flawed Perfection" because nice ones such as "Honest Lies" and "Organized Chaos" were already chosen. In fact, Flawed Perfection was already chosen as well, but among all my ideas, this one was my favourite.

I like the reminder that everything is flawed perfectly.

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