Saturday 7 February 2009

Random Rubbish

"War is a bad thing. But shouldn't it be loner, or at least be a four letter word?"

Have you ever noticed that people love talking about war a lot? It's as if war is a universal topic. Why can't we talk about more important things, like how to fix the environment, how to stop domestic problems, how to stop world hunger? Instead, every newspaper and almost every influential person of power will talk about war. At least most of them nowadays are talking about how to end it. I'm sure Obama will do a great job.

But really, think about it. World War 1, World War 2, Desert Storm, Iraq, and now it's Israil and Gaza. When will the wars stop? It can't be that hard. I mean, just stop fighting each other. What sickens me the most about this is that young people, the soldiers, will be the ones to die. The ones that will be leaving wives to become widows, kids to be become orphans, families to lose a brother or a son.

What's the point? Oil? Money? Power? Just to prove a Goddang point? (This topic is not worth a swear word) Can't we all just compromise and agree to disagree? If all we ever talk about is war, don't you think that the little kids, the children, will start blaming the government and other people about this? They won't grow up to stop it, they'll probably be the ones that either put the blame on some other party, or the ones that go off to join in! Wars are just a lame attempt at begging for attention. maybe if we all just ignore the parties involved, they'll stop fighting.

As you can see, I'm really against this "activity". Like Albert Einstein once said, "War is merely an excuse for murder". The only time you're allowed to murder someone is in self-defense, and there's no other way to save your life. I even detest that people will look at you differently and have opinions about you depending on what you buy! Like McDonalds, for example. Just because a guy buys something to eat from them, he (or she) is considered a supporter of Israil. What the Hell?! It's just food!

*Talks a few deep breaths to cakm down*

You're probably wondering about why this sudden outburst of war. Don't worry, I probably won't talk about it. Much. Seriously, though, why am I judged for what I buy? No, I didn't buy anything from McDonald's. I'm a bit anti-fast food. Except for Dominoes and KFC. I don't know what it is about them that I can't resist! Anyhow, I digress. If I'm about to buy anything appaewntly "Israil related", I'm sneered at, and seen as a traitor to Muslims. ANd if I don't donate at all for Gaza, I'm seen as a traitor to Muslims again! It's a charity for crying out loud!

Sorry you all had to read that. I just had to express my really intense hate of this topic. It can't be that hard to decline a war. I may be wrong, since I'm no politician, but I'm saying it from a citizen's point of view. Maybe we should ask the politicians invloved to join in the war they started. That should teach them a lesson.

God, I'm hungry today. I don't know why. Right now, I'm eating about 6 sandwiches with choclate in them, 2 egg sandwiches and 4 sausages. Okay, it's not much, I know. But still. It looks like a lot on my plate. Hey, maybe my hromones are finally kicking in. That'll explain why I'm starting to become a sap around this one particular person. Ha ha. If I'm right, and it is hormones, then woo hoo! I'm actually gonna go taller! Here's hoping that I'll get a growth spurt! *Crosses fingers*

I don't know why, but I'm blogging a lot lately. Maybe it's my sudden space of time. It's as if I'm suddenly very free. About that, you won't believe what happened today. I was stood up by three girls at the exact same time. Ha ha, I know you're shocked at this piece of information. Lemme explain first.

Remember I mentioned about the History presentation that I had to do today? Well, I was doing it with three girls, and we were meeting up at a restaurant. I waited there for half an hour, and then suddenly Fatin calls and tells me that they couldn't make it. Elli just mentioned that she couldn't come, and Umairah's Mum was sick, so she had no transport. That means, of course, that we'll be postponing it to Monday, which is a school holiday. Monday morning, to be precise. Haha, what joy!

Oh, right, I have to go now. I'm going to my Dad's friend's Chinese New Year open house thing. Maybe I'll blog again tomorrow. Who knows?


~Josh the Joshster~

P.S., Najihah, can't wait for you to get back! Don't forget to teach me Italian! Haha.


LuqCrusher said...

Assalamualaikum dear bro.


Making a referring to your comment about war : People talk a lot about war because it includes human life. Yes, widespread poverty, world hunger, sufferring third-world countries also include human life, and yes, probably is on a wider scale compared to war, but in war, the people are being killed. The people are being killed with so called 'reason', and usually people question those reasons. In world hunger, there really isn't any ONE to blame for it. But in war, you know who to blame. A more significant point of why people are talking a lot about war is because it considers homeland, or at least for the gaza-israel conflict. The israelis call it their homeland after being exiled for 200 years, but what about the generations after that, meaning the Palestinians who were born as legal citizens there? Another reason is because of religious issues. That's where the Wailing Wall is, and so is Masjidil-Aqsa. In fact, Jerusalem has been fought over for religious reasons for so long (Christians and Muslims keep taking over) that I would consider it the bloodiest place on earth.

And now, referring to the purchasing of Israeli related products : It is completely understandable that Muslims would see you as a traitor. Why? It's NOT JUST FOOD you know, as you have stated. These seemingly small things add up, and fund baby-killers. Seriously. Do you know how many products are under Unilever, Nestle, Coca-Cola etc.? Those things add up.

Take this for instance.

Everyday, I go to McD to get lunch. I get a meal set. That's at least ten bucks. And then imagine if i call my friends over for lunch? ten people? one-hundred and ten bucks per day. And we're not talking about some friends at work only, we're talking 0.5 % of the world eating at McD per day! There were 6 billion people as of when that statistic was made! 0.5% * 6,000,000,000 = 30 million people per day! Imagine the colossal dollar figure they make per year! And that's just McD!

Our whole lives depend on products. And most of these products are funding Israel, if you travel long enough on the money-line. For example, customer-McD outlet-Mcd HQ of country-Mcd HQ-US Government-Israeli government. But i'm sure it's longer than that. Think about how much stuff you buy from these guys. Food, toiletries, clothing-line, etc., all these things add up. So you have to understand why you are looked upon that way.

Referring to you not donating to Gaza, you're right in this manner. It's a donation, and there's no use if you donate un-sincerely because there's only material loss and no spiritual gain. But you must also remember, those people are our brothers and sisters by faith. Actually, we're all brothers and sisters, but we're closer to them by heart and soul. Think about it.

Try think about this.
Malaysia is under attack from singapore, who is claiming that this land is technically theirs. You're like, OK, don't worry, our army will handle it. Lemme tell you, our army ain't THAT good. And when they're gone, then what? There won't be any help from neighbouring countries(probably just a lot of condemning, but no real action), the land is constantly being bombed, US has UN under check (cause US is actually good buddies with S'pore) and your muslim brothers and sisters all over the world continue drinking NeWater which is funding the invasion. LOL, but i just had to use a s'porean product. See?!

You can't think the whole world is roses and daisies, that these things don't matter and that the world will fix itself. You just can't.

To all singaporean, malaysian, US and Israeli reader out there, I hope I haven't offended you. If I was talking about your country, I actually meant your government.

Thank you.

Josh Carter said...

Now don't you think that if people started to stop talking about war, and start to talk about the important issues that I stated earlier, don't you think we'd get to at least solve some problems? It's obvious that the more we talk about war, the more time we use at something useless. Plus, what you're saying now is just the problem! "In war, we know who to blame." In war, BOTH sides are to blame. No matter who started it, both sides are to be blamed. The only condition is when one side is ONLY defending itself, and not doing any offense AT ALL. (i.e., all talks and compromises and negotiations have failed, so they're forced to defend themselves, or they'd all die)

You seem to have read my post wrongly. I did not mention that I didn't donate, or that I did buy Israeli stuff. I just wrote that people who do those things are sneered at. For what? Siding in a war?

Think about it. If we were to totally boycott everything that's related to the war, (I'm not counting things that are produced by the side that you're supporting - siding in a war is the problem here) then the ONLY thing that you can use are stuff that you made yourself, from discarded materials. Everything we buy is used, no matter what amount, to one side of the war. It doesn't matter which side it is.

Another thing, since we're talking about McD. You want to talk about costs? Firstly, the McD in Malaysia has very little relation with the McD in America. Another thing, assuming that the Malaysian McD is part of the American McD (which is highly doubtful) after you've converted the money change, you're giving money equivalent to dust. Now, you say that it's "per day". Who the HECK eats fast food EVERY SINGLE DAY?! (Those obese minority people don't count here)

Alright, you mentioned the other Israeli stuff. If you actually took the time to think about it, whether we buy it or not, it makes no difference. The government bought the stuff in the first place, and the money has already been given to the parties involved. All the boycotting will do is give losses to the economy.

Now, you want to use a Singaporean-Malaysian war. Now, WHY would I think "don't worry, our army will handle it"?! An army's job is to murder, and that's against what I believe in. I condemn people (especially soldiers) that kill another human being for ANY reason (besides the reason where you are defending yourself, and that's the only way to survive) Another point is, why hasn't every single option possible been used in that situation? If every single option was tried, there wouldn't have been a war in the first place.

About people using NeWater to "support" Singapore. As I mentioned earlier, the governments of each country has already bought the product in the first place. Whether or not the people buy and/or consume the product is totally irrelevant because the money has already been paid to Singapore.

My last point to reply to you is this. I don't think that the world is a bed of roses and daisies, and that the world will fix itself. But I have to disagree in that war does NOT matter. It never has, and it never will. The ONLY way it can matter is as a lesson to all of us to stop it. As long as we're paying attention to war, resources to stop and advance other things, like third-world countries to be given enough food, for example, will at the very least help to solve even more issues.

To anyone reading, if any of my words offended you, I apologize.

That is all.

LuqCrusher said...


You read my post wrongly too macha. Or probably because I didn't express myself to the fullest.

Firstly, what I meant by "you know who to blame" is the REASON why people talk a lot about it (you know, in response to your post). I DIDN'T say that in war there is only one side to blame. I didn't say that. People would make their own opinions on who to blame. That's why its such a hot topic. It's human nature to point fingers and blame everything on somebody. On the other hand, I do agree with what you said. Both sides are to be blamed, except for when clearly one side does not want any peaceful resolutions.

Secondly, regarding the purchasing of Israeli items. You said "whether we buy it or not, it makes no difference. The government bought the stuff in the first place, and the money has already been given to the parties involved."
Yes that's true. And yes, it will effect our economy, badly. But that's short-term. In long-term effects, there will be a decrease in demand for certain types of products. And then what? You think the government will increase importing? Surely not! They will decrease importing, because there's not much demand. THEN, will it effect their economy. And simultaneously, we must start pumping in local products into the economy. That should even improve our economy. And if our nation's demands are not satisfied with our resources, then mass trade with other countries!

Thirdly, regarding the donation. This is what I DIDN'T say :
This is what I did say :
"there's no use if you donate un-sincerely because there's only material loss and no spiritual gain"
I WASN'T blaming you for not donating (I didn't even know if you did, but now I know that you did), I was just saying that if you do donate un-sincerely, there's no real point.

Fourhtly :
(mind my language)
McD Malaysia and McD HQs' relation is "highly doubtful"?
There's such a thing as franchising you know? Paying royalty? Getting rights to sell their products? Hello? Kemahiran Hidup Pilihan 4 : Perdagangan dan Perniagaan? Remember? Aiyoo...

"If every single option was tried, there wouldn't have been a war in the first place."
Really? Tell me, how long have Israel and Palestine been having negotiations? Yet, subtly and quietly, the Israeli Government has been conquering bits and pieces of land from Palestine. Stealing other people's land? Wow, never knew THAT was a peaceful resolution. And, on top of that, in 2006, when Hamas had fairly and justly won the election held in Palestine, the Israelis didn't accept. Why? Israel wanted Fatah to win. Never knew THAT was a peaceful resolution.

I agree with what you said in your last point. We need to start concentrating on other issues. BUT, not up to an extent where a country can escape scott-free after committing war crimes. We must have a balance.

Can I sleep over these holidays?


Thank you.

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Why "Flawed Perfection"?

I chose "Flawed Perfection" because nice ones such as "Honest Lies" and "Organized Chaos" were already chosen. In fact, Flawed Perfection was already chosen as well, but among all my ideas, this one was my favourite.

I like the reminder that everything is flawed perfectly.

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